The Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSC) is dedicated to the belief that innovative communication processes are critical to development of poor and historically marginalized communities.
Founded in early 2003 as a nonprofit organization, the Consortium builds upon work that began in 1997 at the Rockefeller Foundation as a special grant-making exploration. Since our founding, we have worked through advocacy, research, publications, teaching and training to enhance the practice of communication for development and social change with a special emphasis on participatory approaches such as public and private dialogue leading to community-based decision-making and collective action leading to long-term social change.
We have grown into a network of committed practitioners and scholars who believe that communication must be bottom-up, empowering, and based upon principles of tolerance, equity, justice, and unleashing the voices of the previously unheard.
Among our partner organizations are many of the UN agencies, international NGOs, foundations, international aid organizations and divisions within the World Bank, IADB and universities in the North and South.